Sunday, November 15, 2020

Asthma Sufferers Should Breathe Through their Nose

It is well known that asthma sufferers encounter great problems when wanting to breathe normally. The amount of air they inhale and exhale is significantly lower than that inhaled and exhaled by a normal person. 

Also, there is an increasing tendency of asthma sufferers to start breathing through their mouth. 

This practice is mainly due to the fact that during asthma attacks people usually use an inhaler and breathe through their mouths.

However, breathing through your mouth should be a routine which must be stopped immediately, first of all because only a small quantity of air that you breathe through your mouth reaches your lungs. 

Most of it goes directly in your stomach and it is not useful in any way to your organs. 

Also, many asthmatic associate breathing through their mouth with an emergency situation (like the imminence of an asthma attack) and when they get used with breathing through their mouth regularly, the fear of an attack is increased and the brain is always in a state of alarm.

Asthma Relief Forever™

Thus, in order to breathe normally and lead a stress-free life, you will have to get used to breathing only through your nose.

It may be a little more difficult at the beginning, but nothing is impossible when you really want it. 

Start by auto-imposing yourself to keep your mouth closed and whenever you realize that you are using your mouth for breathing, close it and try to resume your normal activities and breathe through your nose. 

If this does not provide satisfactory results, then buy a mouth tape and use it when you are at home and when you are sleeping to keep your mouth closed. 

This will prevent you from opening your mouth and will only leave you the alternative of breathing through your nose.

Once you will get used to using only your nose for breathing, you will notice that you will not be thinking so much about the imminence of an asthma attack, you will be more tranquil and relaxed, while the panic feelings will completely go away. 

So, no matter how hard you will have to try in order to succeed, it is worth all work as once you have started breathing through your nose, your asthma will become less threatening to you.

Asthma Relief Forever™

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Asthma Symptoms - How Can You Know You Have Asthma

Most of the times, a disease which is spotted right from the beginning of its evolutions has more chances of being treated much more rapidly and effectively than one which was discovered only when it got worse. 

This is why, it is highly important to visit a doctor whenever you feel that there is something wrong going on inside your body.

Also, it is very useful to know what the symptoms characteristic for certain illnesses or conditions are.

If you have had persons in your family who suffered from asthma, than you should prepare to recognize any of this condition's symptoms, so that you discover its presence in the incipient form. 

Also, because asthma is one of the most spread ailments from all over the world, even if your family does not have a history with this disease, knowing exactly what it is about can help you prevent it or discover it from its beginning.

Even though not all persons have the same asthma symptoms, the most common symptoms for this ailment are excessive coughing, which becomes more acute during the night, wheezing, pain in the chest or a kind of pressure inside the chest and difficulties in breathing. 

These symptoms are usually more acute during the asthma attacks.

After the attacks are over there may be periods in which the symptoms are no longer felt. Yet, even in these relatively calm periods you may experience trouble in breathing or uneven function of your lungs, so you will always have to keep your medicine at hand.

Feelings of tiredness, trouble in sleeping, feeling grouchy or moody, serious coughing especially at night and after doing physical exercises and symptoms which can be easily associated with allergies are also highly frequent in the manifestation of asthma

These symptoms usually appear in the first stages of the ailment, so if you have two or more of these symptoms, it is advisable that you go to a doctor. 

Even though these symptoms may point out to an allergy or to another disease, it is always good to have some tests done and see if asthma is what you are suffering of or there is another ailment which is troubling your health.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Cure Asthma - How to Completely Remove Dust Mites

Nobody wants to have mites in their homes just like nobody wants to have dust inside their houses. 

Yet, sometimes it just happens that the small mites get inside and you cannot make them leave. If for a normal person mites are just annoying, for asthma sufferers they are quite dangerous, as they are one of the most powerful allergens which trigger asthma attacks. 

Thus, if you are an asthmatic or have inside your house someone who is, it is absolutely necessary to get rid of all the dust mites as soon as possible and keep them away from your home for ever. 

In order to achieve this task, you will have to follow some simple routines, which you will find listed below.

The first thing on the "must do" list in order to get rid of dust mites is to reduce the humidity from inside the house. 

You can do that by using a dehumidifier. Also, make sure that you keep all the rooms ventilated, so that you avoid the accumulation of excessive humidity.

After that, you should purchase a vacuum cleaner with extra filtration and start vacuuming all your furniture and carpets. 

The items which cannot be washed or which is recommended that you wash only once or twice a year are the once which retain most of the dust mites and their eggs, so make sure that you vacuum them at least once a week.

Then, wash the beddings, the curtains, the blankets and duvet covers at a high temperature. 

It is recommended that you do not wash them below 60 degrees Celsius, otherwise the dust mites and their eggs may survive the washing process and this is something that you do not want to happen.

If you have children, sterilize all their toys by washing them in hot water.

If the toys are not washable, you can put them in the refrigerator and leave them there at least one night. 

Dust mites cannot make it in low temperatures.

The mattress can also be a good place for mites, so take it out at least once in a month and let it air. Do not avoid that in the cold days of winter. 

Moreover, it is highly recommended to take it out in the cool air, as dust mites and their eggs will die at low temperatures, as mentioned previously.

These measures will make your house a safer environment, both for you and for the asthma sufferers as they will keep the dust mites away for good. 

Click HERE to know more How to Cure Ashtma


Saturday, August 29, 2020

Daily Supplements Which Prevent or Even Treat Asthma

Asthmatics need proper treatment in order to cope with their ailment.

They need their medication as well as an inhaler to help them make it through the day. 

However, their body also needs much more vitamins and minerals which shall strengthen it and give it energy to stay active all day long. 

This is why, taking supplements is advisable if you suffer from asthma.

Not all the supplements are suitable for asthma patients and not all of them have any effect in treating or alleviating this condition. 

The proper supplements must necessary contain antioxidants, such as Vitamin E and selenium. 

Vitamin C, which is a very effective antihistaminic, must also be included in the daily recipe of supplements. 

These vitamins will decrease the occurrence of the asthma attacks and alleviate their symptoms when they do occur.

Fish oil, if taken daily is great as anti-inflammatory, so include 2 or 4 mg of fish oil into your diet, too. 

Also magnesium, glutamine and pantothenic acid are also substances which should be supplemented if you suffer from asthma. 

They will not only protect your body from the outer factors, but they will also prevent the occurrence of asthma attack.

A complex of vitamins and minerals is also necessary to support the body. 

This complex should include folic acid, the Vitamin B complex and zinc. 

These substances are more likely to miss from an asthmatic's body or their quantity is relatively low, so they will need to be supplemented in order for the body to function properly.

In order to find out which is the perfect recipe for your body and which of these supplements you will have to take, it is advisable that you first take some blood tests and see what your body lacks the most. 

According to the results given by those tests, a doctor will be able to prescribe you the necessary amount of substances that you will have to take each day so that your body can work normally day after day. 

Do not let asthma rule your life when you can take some daily supplements and feel great all day long. 




Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Get Rid of Extra Pounds to Overcome Your Asthma

Obesity is probably the most spread disease around all over the world. 

Even though obesity is not one of those conditions which have pain and suffering as their main characteristic, still it is highly dangerous. 

The reason for which many people label obesity as a disease is because it can cause multiple complications which can be fatal for some people. 

Thus, even though you feel good in your skin and would not even think about starting a diet, it is absolutely necessary to start burning that fat if you want to have a healthy body.

The necessity of having a normal weight is even more acute when you suffer of asthma. 

Studies have shown that obese people are more prone to asthma attacks than the asthma sufferers which have a normal weight. 

Thus, a diet is the first step you will have to take in order to treat your asthma.

First of all, a lower body weight will lower down the high body pressure. 

Most overweight and obese persons suffer from high blood pressure. 

This, in time can prove to be very dangerous for the individual, so it is advisable that you keep your body pressure within the normal limits. For most obese people this means losing some pounds.

Losing weight will also lower down the amount of glucose from one's body, thus reducing the risk of diabetes. In addition to that, lower body fat will lead to lower cholesterol, which will be felt in your everyday activities.

Thus, apart from feeling good in your skin and having an attractive silhouette, losing weight is also important for your health. 

So, make a set of tests before you start your diet and take a look at them. You will see then why your asthma felt worse and your attacks were more often.

Then, go to a nutritionist which will create a personal diet which will respond to all your body's needs. 

It will certainly include low calorie meals and ingredients which will decrease the number of your asthma attacks. 

After only a month of following your personalized diet, you will see how not only will you look better, but you will also feel better and your asthma will not bother you so much.

For more effective results, try to combine the diet with physical exercises. 

Even though it may be tough at the beginning, everything will go smooth once you get used with this program. And the results will not fail to appear.

Asthma Relief Forever™

Monday, June 15, 2020

Herbal Remedies for Asthma

Asthma sufferers heavily rely on medicine to keep their condition under control. 

They use inhalers in case of emergency and specific medicine on a daily basis. 

However, the overuse of these medicines can significantly affect the human body, as there are many counter indications which, in time, will harm the body and make it even more sensitive to external factors. 

But what if you could obtain the same results as when taking medicine, but without having those dangerous side effects? 

What if you could live your normal life and treat your condition in a natural way, without being necessary to ingest all kinds of chemical? Would this not be great? 

Well, I think that most asthmatics will surely enjoy the possibility of totally removing the medicines from their lives and start a new life by treating their condition using herbs. 

This thing is possible and it has been done from long time by other cultures. 

There are two main mixes of herbs which can help asthmatics live their life the natural way, without chemical drugs which were temporary alleviating their suffering, but had disastrous effects on the long run. 

The first mix of herbs is one highly used in Middle East countries, which consists of chamomile, cinnamon, sage, black cumin seeds, cloves, rosemary, spearmint and thyme, as well as other similar herbs with therapeutic effects. This combination of herbs has been used for centuries in Middle East countries to treat asthma or at least alleviate its symptoms. 

The other herb combination which is believed to have great effects upon the human body and offer great results in treating asthma is the mixture called Saiboku-To. 

This mixture, which has its origins in Asia contains ten herbs, from which the best known are ginger, magnolia, Baikal skullcap, licorice and Korean ginseng. 

Most of the patients which have been treated using this Asian blending of herbs reported serious improvement in their conditions and reductions in their steroidal medication. 

If you suffer from asthma, you should definitely try at least one of these blends. 

They have the advantage of being 100% natural and of not presenting any side effects which may damage or affect your health in a negative way. 

Asthma Relief Forever™

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How Can an Asthma Diary Help You Treat Your Condition?

Asthma sufferers know best that living with this condition is quite hard, as it prevents you from doing normal activities, like walking in the park when all the flowers are blooming, running, playing and even get proper rest. 

This is why it is highly important to monitor this ailment and see the way in which it evolves.

This monitoring is best to be done daily. 

Many asthma sufferers have made a habit out of keeping a diary of their condition. 

Not only is that helping them keeping track of the number of attacks they have had in a certain period, but this type of recording is also highly useful for their doctors, which are able to evaluate the way in which their patients' condition is evolving. 

Also, on the basis of the accurate description provided by the patient, the doctor is capable of better observing the way in which the medicine are affecting the individual and whether they are efficient in treating the asthma or they are only worsening the condition.

Thus, asthma diaries can prove to be very effective in finding a personalized cure, which will treat the patient or at least make their life better. 

For this reason, it is advisable that each and every asthmatic should keep a diary where to record all the information they think is necessary about their daily condition and the symptoms they are experiencing during a normal day. 

Things like the symptoms preceding an attack, the feelings one feels when an asthma attack strikes, the things which may trigger the attacks and the way in which the current actions and the environment affect the individual is information that should be written in the diary. 

The more accurate is the information noted down in the diary, the more effective the treatment based on those notes will be.

The asthma diaries are helpful tools in treating this condition properly. 

By knowing exactly what symptoms you experience before having an attack, you can prevent it from happening. 

Also, by noting down all the symptoms and feelings one experiences, the doctor will receive a more accurate description of the way in which the condition is manifested and will be able to prescribe the best medication available. 

So, if you want to treat your asthma, make sure that you always keep track of your daily symptoms and evolution.

Asthma Relief Forever™

Asthma Sufferers Should Breathe Through their Nose

It is well known that asthma sufferers encounter great problems when wanting to breathe normally. The amount of air they inhale and exhale...