Saturday, January 25, 2020
Sleep Well When You Have Asthma
Even though it may seem hard to attain that state of relaxation most people have when sleeping, asthmatics can have a good night sleep if they follow some simple rules. First of all it is necessary to have clean bedding. Washing the bedding once a week in hot water it is absolutely essential if you want to get rid of all the allergens which can trigger an asthma attack. Dust, animal hair or any other types of allergens can easily get stuck in the bedding fibers and trigger an asthma attack when you go to bed. So, cleaning the bedding is the first essential step you have to take in order to have a good and relaxing sleep, all night long.
Next, it is advisable to choose a position in which you will be able to breathe easily. Most doctors recommend that you use two or three pillows instead of one and place them all under your head, neck and back, so that the upper part of your body is lifted up a little. Also, you should avoid sleeping on your back or on your stomach, as these positions obstruct your airwaves, preventing the air from getting in and out of the body. A much more suitable position for asthmatic people is the sleeping on the left side, if possible with the legs brought up at the levels of your stomach.
In order to get the amount of rest you want, it is also recommended that you go to sleep only when you feel you are so tired that you can only sleep. This way you will fall asleep immediately and will not have time to worry about whether you are going to sleep that night or not.
Last, but not least, you should not sleep during the day. If you are really tired and cannot really focus on anything, you can take a 30 minutes nap in an armchair. Thus, you will refresh your brain a little bit, without giving your body too much energy. You will become tired in the evening and you will sleep all night long, without waking up during the night.
Follow these simple methods and you will see that you will be able to sleep normally again, even though you suffer from asthma.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Stress Is One of the Most Important Asthma Triggers
As nowadays everyone gets affected by stress, the asthmatics could not make an exception. Yet, what is worth in their case is the fact that stress can further increase the asthma symptoms and make the asthmatic feel worse when stressed. Many asthmatic have claimed that most of the asthma attacks have happened during periods when they were highly stressed. Thus the combination asthma plus stress is not quite a happy one.
Even though stress alone is not capable of producing asthma, it is able to further increase the gravity of this ailment, by contributing to the increase in intensity and duration of the asthma attacks. Thus, it is highly important that you learn to relax and remain calm in any situation. This means that you will have to learn how to cope with different situations without panicking. Also, it means that you will have to do your schedule in such a way as to have time to do each and every thing at your own peace.
Related articles to read:
- What Is the Connection Between Proper Nutrition and Asthma
- Which Are The Most Common Types of Asthma
- Which Are the Signs Telling You That Your Child Has Asthma
When feeling the pressure and the tension on your shoulders, there are many more chances of being hit by an asthma attack, so learn to take your time and not get panicked if you do not finish everything in due time. Remember that your health must be your main concern.
In order to get rid of stress, you should also start attending courses which teach you how to control your responses to stress. This way you will be able to manage your own capacities better and will not let stress overwhelm you, no matter how many things you have to do and how many problems you will have to solve. Meditation and relaxation sessions are also highly indicated if you want to get rid of stress.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Main Factors That Trigger Asthma
Asthma attacks can be triggered a lot of different factors.
In order to be able to avoid such attacks as much as
possible, it is necessary to know which the most frequent allergens
which trigger these attacks are and which are the ways in which you can
avoid getting in contact with such allergens if you suffer from asthma.
The most dangerous allergen for asthmatics is dust.
This is mainly because dust is everywhere and there are little things to be done in order to avoid it or at least diminish the quantities of dust present in the air.
The only places where dust can be controlled and its effects
can be prevented are the house and the office.
The places where one
lives and works can become safe environments for the asthmatics if they
are cleaned regularly and vacuumed at least twice a week or even more,
while the furniture must be dusted every day.
Another allergens which can trigger asthma are dust mites.
There are
just as hard to get rid of as dust, yet with a proper filtration system
and with constant cleaning of the objects from the house they can be
kept away from the house for a long period of time.
Mold is also a very dangerous allergen.
It usually appears when there is too much humidity inside the house.
Thus a dehumidifier and constant
cleaning of the house can destroy it and maintain the environment safe
even for an asthmatic.
During spring and summer, if you suffer from asthma, it is advisable
that you stay as much as possible indoors, with the windows closed.
This is mainly because the pollen is very dangerous for asthmatics, being the cause of many asthma attacks.
If it absolutely necessary to leave the house, then make sure that you do it at noon, and not in the morning or evening, when the concentration of pollen is high.
Also wear a
pollen or dust mask that will protect you against the harmful effects
pollen can have on you.
It is highly recommended that if you have an asthmatic in the house, you
should avoid keeping pets inside because the animal hair is an allergen
which can trigger very severe asthma attacks.
If you are still going to keep a pet inside make sure that there is as little hair as possible inside.
Vacuuming all the house, soft furniture and washing the bedding
regularly can maintain a clean environment, thus diminishing the
occurrence of asthma attacks.
Asthma Sufferers Should Breathe Through their Nose
It is well known that asthma sufferers encounter great problems when wanting to breathe normally. The amount of air they inhale and exhale...