Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How Can an Asthma Diary Help You Treat Your Condition?

Asthma sufferers know best that living with this condition is quite hard, as it prevents you from doing normal activities, like walking in the park when all the flowers are blooming, running, playing and even get proper rest. 

This is why it is highly important to monitor this ailment and see the way in which it evolves.

This monitoring is best to be done daily. 

Many asthma sufferers have made a habit out of keeping a diary of their condition. 

Not only is that helping them keeping track of the number of attacks they have had in a certain period, but this type of recording is also highly useful for their doctors, which are able to evaluate the way in which their patients' condition is evolving. 

Also, on the basis of the accurate description provided by the patient, the doctor is capable of better observing the way in which the medicine are affecting the individual and whether they are efficient in treating the asthma or they are only worsening the condition.

Thus, asthma diaries can prove to be very effective in finding a personalized cure, which will treat the patient or at least make their life better. 

For this reason, it is advisable that each and every asthmatic should keep a diary where to record all the information they think is necessary about their daily condition and the symptoms they are experiencing during a normal day. 

Things like the symptoms preceding an attack, the feelings one feels when an asthma attack strikes, the things which may trigger the attacks and the way in which the current actions and the environment affect the individual is information that should be written in the diary. 

The more accurate is the information noted down in the diary, the more effective the treatment based on those notes will be.

The asthma diaries are helpful tools in treating this condition properly. 

By knowing exactly what symptoms you experience before having an attack, you can prevent it from happening. 

Also, by noting down all the symptoms and feelings one experiences, the doctor will receive a more accurate description of the way in which the condition is manifested and will be able to prescribe the best medication available. 

So, if you want to treat your asthma, make sure that you always keep track of your daily symptoms and evolution.

Asthma Relief Forever™

Saturday, May 23, 2020

How Can Jala Neti Technique Treat Your Asthma

Asthma Relief Forever™

Daily life for those suffering of asthma is certainly very difficult form that of a healthy person. 

They have to constantly carry their medicine with them so that they always have them at hand, they must limit their physical activities for fear of not being struck by another asthma attack and must be constantly live with that insecurity feeling in their hearts. 

For these persons, being able to breathe normally and walk on the street without the risk of having an attack is like a pleasant dream. 

Yet, this dream can come true by using a simple method which can clean your nose of all the bacteria, dust and impurities which clog your nostrils. 

The Jala Neti technique, because this is the technique I was talking about, is a relatively simple method which gives asthmatics the opportunity to breathe normally again. 

Related articles to read:

It may seem a difficult method to perform at the beginning, but once you do it once or twice, you will start getting used with it and will perform effortlessly after a period of time. 

For successfully completing this technique, you will have to purchase a special Neti pot, which can be found in the health shops, water and salt. 

What you will have to do is warm the water a little bit, so that it has the same temperature as your body, mix the water with salt and then, using the Neti pot, you will introduce it in one of your nostrils, keeping the head so that the water can pass from one nostril to another. 

Thus, the water will be eliminated on the other nostril, thus cleaning all the dirt from inside your nose. 

As I mentioned previously, it may seem a little bit difficult at a first view, but putting it in practice is in fact easier that you may think. 

In order to be effective, this technique must be done at least two times a day, once when you get up, so that your nose is clean and you will be able to breathe normally all day long; and once before going to bed, so that you will be able to enjoy a good night sleep.

This technique is not only very good in cleaning and moisturizing the nose, but it is also very safe, so that you will not have to worry about side effects. 

Prevented that salty water does not get in the wrong direction, you will not feel any discomfort or pain.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Is It Asthma Keeking You Out Of The Game?

Today, more than ever, asthma is not a barrier to physical activity.
In fact, if you keep your asthma under control, you can do it all !
Well, did you know that ....

  • At the 1984 Summer Olympics , 67 of the 597 american athlets has asthma. Among them, they won 41 medals.
  • Twenty Percent of the athlets at the 1996 Summer Olympics has asthma brought on by physical activity.
  • Almost 30% of the american swimmers on the 2000 Summer Olympics team has ashtma and used inhalers.
  • Asthma didn't hold them back, and it shouldn't hold you back, either !

Ashtma - which make it hard to breath, and causes coughing and wheezing - affects about five millions american kidss and teens almost 1 in 10!

Who has asthma?Famous people like the rapper Coolio have asthma, altough he's better know for his hit songs like "Gangsta's Paradise" than for his fight against the illness.
Olympians like Misty Hyman and Amy VanDyken, Tom Dolan and Karen Furneaux and Kurt Grote also have asthma.

Physical activity > Asthma ?
Things like cold or dry air, dust , pollen, pollution, cigaretts smoke, or stress can "trigger" asthma.
This can make your body pump out chemials that close off your airways, making it hard for all to get into your lungs, and causing an asthma attack.

Physical activity can trigger asthma attack too.
Experts don't know for sure why physical activity sometimes brings one on. But they suspect thatfact breathing through the mouth (like happens when you get winded) van irritate the airways.
In addition, when air pollution levels are highg, physical activity in the aftrnoonis harder on the lung than morning activity - pollution level rise later in the day.

Get fit
So, shoud you got a doctor's note and skip gym class? Sorry , no.
Doctors want the asthma patients to get active, especially in asthma-friendly activity like these: swimming, bicycling, golf, inline skating ad weightligting.

Why are these good choicesif you want to be physically active?
. They let you control how hard and fast you breathe
. They let you breath trough your nose at all the times
. They don't dry out your airways
. They mix short , intense activities with long endurance workouts
. You can do them in a controlled environment (for example, a gym with air tha't not too cold or dry)
. Usually you do them with other people, who can help you if an attack comes on
. Getting regular physical activity can improve your breathing and lead to fewer asthma attacks. Just remember to follow this tips (in fact, this is good advice for everyone, not just thise with asthma)
. Ease into it
. Start with your work out and warm up, and don't overdo it by running five miles on your first day if you get winded around the block ! Finish up with a cool down.
. Take a buddy
. It's more fun and friend can help if you get into trouble
. Respect your bod
. Stay away from things that trigger your asthma. Help out your airways by breathing through your nose instead of your mouth. Take it easy on days when your asthma symptoms are really bugging you, and stick to the medicine routine that your doctor has set up
. Take breaks. Treat yourself to rest and drink pleanty of water
. Mix it up. For example, try going inline skating one day and taking long walk the next
. Feel goog. To feel your best do the right stuff to controll your asthma and listen to your doctors they are on your team!

According to asthma experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people with asthma should expect to live a life that really isn't affected by asthma, except for having to follow the directions. They also say to speak up if you are having symptoms and remember to keep a good attitude and keep working to controll the disease"

So get out there and get moving !
With good habits and today's medicine, you can go for the gold or just join your friends on basketball court, in the pool, on the dance floor....

Click the links below for more articles to read:
Asthma Relief Foreverâ„¢

Sunday, May 3, 2020

How Does Nutrition Affect Asthma Sufferers

Nutrition plays a great role in the proper development and function of the human body. Thus, it is normal that a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals should positively affect the body, while a diet based on saturated fats and products containing sugar will have a negative impact on the body. This happens both in case of the healthy persons and that of people suffering from different conditions and ailments. 

 Some of the people whose state of health is influenced by nutrition are asthmatics. It has been recently proven that obese people have less chances of effectively dealing with their asthma than people with normal weight. Also, the effects usually associated with obesity, such as relatively high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high presence of fats in the body are very damaging to one's overall health. But not does obesity have a negative effect upon the entire body, it also contributes to the further incapacity of the asthmatic to breathe. 

By preventing the air from entering and getting out of the lungs in a proper manner, the emergence of asthma attacks is favored. This is the reason why obese persons have higher rate of asthma attacks than persons who have weight that is between normal limits. 

Click the links below for more articles to read:

In addition to that, recent studies performed by the Australian scientists have revealed that eating fatty foods can have a powerful impact on the medicines' efficacy. Thus, even though the asthmatic still takes their medicine on a regular basis, the fat food can interfere with their effects and thus make them useless. 

In order to stop this process, it is highly recommended that fatty foods should be totally erased from an asthmatic's diet and that they should be replaced with fruits, vegetables, low fat dairies and low meat. This will not only give the body better immunity and help it lose useless fat, but it will also decrease the number of asthma attacks and will diminish their severity. So, if you suffer from asthma, you will have to be more careful with your diet and the amount of fats and chemical products you ingest during your meals.

Asthma Relief Foreverâ„¢

Asthma Sufferers Should Breathe Through their Nose

It is well known that asthma sufferers encounter great problems when wanting to breathe normally. The amount of air they inhale and exhale...